Blog News

1. Comments are still disabled though I am thinking of enabling them again.

2. There are now several extra pages - Poetry Index, Travel, Education, Childish Things - accessible at the top of the page. They index entires before October 2013.

3. I will, in the next few weeks, be adding new pages with other indexes.

Saturday 28 February 2009

Dreaming A Life

I'm starting yet another ongoing project. Actually when I say starting, it isn't precisely true. I've been tinkering with this project on and off for quite a few years now: an autobiography entirely done in poetry.
Here's the plan.
I'll post a poem and, though I'm aware that the poems should stand by themselves, a couple of brief explanatory notes. The intention is to start from the 9th April 1957 (when I was born) and work forwards. Some of these poems already exist, others will be entirely new. And doubtless the project will come and go as my interest waxes and wanes but that's a problem for the future. Here then is the first poem, which mentions my birth and also provides an introduction. This isn't an existing poem. It's brand new, finished about ten minutes ago. I hope you like it.

Introduction: Synthesis

All things begin,
And this begins here
In a house divided
By walls and time.
A child cries out.
Then cries again
With a similar sound,
A wordless rhyme.
Unseen ripples
Fill the corners
And spread forwards
From then, to now
Through every second
Of every hour and day
And come to rest
Upon my brow.
I am the sum
Of all I have been
From that moment
Onward, to this
Of an ever
Ever spreading

The only note that you might need to help with this is the reference in lines three and four to "divided by walls and time". This is a reference to the fact that I was born in a very old house that had been divided into two dwellings by building a wall down the middle of it -and a fence down the middle of the garden. The owners lived in the other half and we rented our half from them.

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